Complete your customer journey for buying glasses or contact lenses online
The world’s first clinically proven online eye test
85%+ conversion to purchase
with a validated prescription issued by easee
4.7 out 5 customer rating
99% prescription satisfaction rate
Up to 40% new accounts creation
among users that perform easee’s online eye test
See how easee it can be

How easee helps to keep your customers online
Address the main bottleneck in the digital customer journey: 1 in 3 customers drop-off due to lacking prescription or doubts with existing prescription
Drive online sales by providing customers with confidence to buy online and ensuring customers stay in your ordering flow
Promote positive customer experience by ensuring customers are wearing the correct prescription
How it works
All you need is 10 feet of space, a laptop or tablet, and a smartphone.
1. Intake
We will ask you a few questions to see if you are eligible.
2. Your vision is measured
easee’s virtual assistant will guide you through the eye test.;
3. Validation within 24 hours
Our certified optometrists review your results to guarantee the quality of your updated prescription.
4. Get your renewed prescription
With your updated prescription, you can buy prescription glasses or contacts anywhere with confidence

See how easee it can be.
Our in-house experts will walk you through everything you need to know.