A medical grade technology that generates qualified leads for in-store appointments
The world’s first clinically proven online eye test
35%+ conversion
for customers with poor vision to book a follow-up appointment in-store
90%+ purchase conversion
from customers diverted to in-store appointment
Up to 40% new accounts creation
among users that perform easee’s online eye test
See how easee it can be

How our online vision checker helps service your customers both online and offline
Service first time buyers with an answer to their biggest question: ‘Do I need glasses?’
Results available in a matter of seconds
Improve the efficiency for walk-up store visits. Focus on urgent care needs with less measuring and more treatment
How it works
All you need is 10 feet of space, a laptop or tablet, and a smartphone.
1. Intake
We will ask you a few questions to see if you are eligible
2. Get ready
easee’s virtual assistant will guide you through the online eye test
3. Your vision is measured
The algorithm will check immediately your visual acuity based on your answers
4. Get your results
Check if your vision is still good with your current prescription eyewear or find out if you need glasses

See how easee it can be.
Our in-house experts will walk you through everything you need to know.